The Croydon Pension Fund is part of the national Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS)

Our membership covers all Croydon Council staff including support staff in schools and a number of staff who have been outsourced to private companies, these companies are Admitted Bodies in the Fund. The Fund also has staff from a number of colleges and academies.

The LGPS is a statutory scheme and is under pinned by regulations laid down by the Government. Your pension is secure and the benefits you will receive on retirement are based on membership in the scheme, accruing with every year you are a member. This type of scheme is called a Defined Benefit Scheme.

Teachers' and NHS staff have their own scheme and are not part of the Croydon Council Pension Fund LGPS.

Who runs the pension fund?

The Croydon Pension Fund is run by Croydon Council.

This means that Croydon Council is the "administering authority" in the Local Government Pension Scheme Regulations.

As an administering authority the Council discharges its duties in respect of maintaining the Pension Fund through the work of the Pensions Committee. Its term of reference are to deal with all matter relating to the investment and management/administration of the Fund, Members of the Committee subscribe to a Knowledge and Skills framework that ensures they have access to training and support in taking decisions.

In addition, the Pension Committee is supported by officers and external advisers, independent professional observers and scheme members.

Administrator of the London Borough of Croydon Pension Fund:

Jane West, Corporate Director of Resources (Section 151 Officer)

Pension Administration: 

The Pension Manager, and the team provide benefit administration services to members and participating employers.


Matthew Hallett, the Acting Head of Pensions, and his team, manage the pension fund investments and accounts, as well as providing support to the Trustees in their stewardship of the fund.

Click here for links to a number of websites that you may find helpful.

Useful links